Request Free Collection Kit
We aim to streamline the sample collection process as much as possible to reduce the administrative burden on ordering physicians.
Sample collection kits are sent by request to either the clinic or the patient directly. Kits generally arrive within 3-5 business days.
We are happy to provide batches of kits to keep on hand at your clinic; please note that kits have a shelf life or 12 months and order accordingly.
Sample collection kits contain everything necessary to collect, process, aliquot, package and ship a sample for one patient, including prepaid return shipping. Kits are provided at no additional cost.
Neuroimmunology Kits
Neuroimmunology tests require serum samples. Kits for collection of serum are provided for diagnosis of myasthenia gravis, CIDP, NMOSD, MOGAD, LEMS, AE, and more. Kits contain SST and aliquot tubes. Ship chilled (4ºC) on frozen cold packs.
Neurodegeneration Kits (Including Alzheimer's)
Neurodegeneration tests requests require plasma samples. Kits for collection of plasma are provided for differential diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, FTD, ALS, MS, and other disorders. Kits contain K2 EDTA tubes and aliquot tubes. Ship chilled (4ºC) on frozen cold packs.
Clinical Trials
Where practical, it is optimal to store samples at -80ºC and ship on dry ice. For clinical trials we recommend storing samples at -80ºC on-site and batch shipping on dry ice to minimize logistical costs. Contact our team to discuss options.
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